Cristalix offers a groundbreaking solution

By addressing the critical issue of limited access to pediatric mental health care.

Nearly 1 in 5 U.S. children diagnosed with a mental disorder and only 20% receiving specialized care.
The need for innovative and accessible support has never been greater.
We understand the barriers that families face, from long waiting lists to financial constraints.
That’s why Cristalix is here to provide health plans with an unparalleled opportunity to revolutionize pediatric mental health care for their members.

Receive mental health support
from home

Receive mental health support from home

Our platform ensures access to care anytime, anywhere, allowing children and their families to receive crucial mental health support from the comfort of their homes.

By partnering with Cristalix, health plans can offer an innovative and inclusive approach to mental health care, breaking down barriers and creating a brighter, more accessible future for the well-being of our children.

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